Sword Master Story Apk


Sword Master Story 4.83.538 APKs Bundle (2.04GB)

"Even if you're asleep under the moonlit night, I will be with you forever!"
The Titan Goddess of the Moon, Selene, fell in love with you at first sight while you were asleep.
As a dark-attribute healer, Selene uses the power of moonlight, night, and eternal sleep to protect the party members.
Would you like to fall into a beautiful dream that you don't want to wake up from with Selene?

"Somas is celebrating its 4th Anniversary!"
Come to Elgrad to enjoy the 4th anniversary grand festival!

How to install APKs Bundle (Split APKs)?
  • Install "Split APKs Installer" and open it.
  • Click "Install APKs" button and select all of the APK files in the APKs Bundle (or Zip file).
  • Click "Select" button to start the installation process