Game Anak (Tetris Like) Apk


Game Anak (Tetris Like) 1.0.0 APKs Bundle (49.03MB)

Download previous versions of Game Anak (Tetris Like)

Manfaat bermain Tetris Game untuk Anak-anak

- Meningkatkan Kinerja Efisiensi Otak
- Membantu Anak Disleksia. ...
- Meredakan Gejala Trauma. ...
- Mengasah Kemampuan Menyelesaikan Masalah (Problem Solving)

How to install APKs Bundle (Split APKs)?
  • Install "Split APKs Installer" and open it.
  • Click "Install APKs" button and select all of the APK files in the APKs Bundle (or Zip file).
  • Click "Select" button to start the installation process